Genuine curiosity about cryptography brought me here

Estuardo Alpírez Bock is Xiphera's Senior Cryptographic Engineer.

Estuardo Alpírez Bock is Xiphera’s new Senior Cryptographic Engineer. Grown in Guatemala, he did his university studies and PhD in Europe. Here’s his journey of becoming a cryptographer in the happiest country in the world.

Introducing Akyra Pagoulatos

Introducing Akyra Pagoulatos, Xiphera's representative for the North American markets.

Akyra Pagoulatos represents Xiphera in the North American markets. He has extensive experience in the field and sees big potential in Xiphera.

Making sense out of randomness

Randomness and random numbers are critical parts of our everyday life.

Randomness and random numbers are critical parts of our everyday life. Matti Tommiska, Xiphera’s Co-founder and CEO, discusses the significance and purpose of randomness and random number generators.