Connected in a dangerous world.

Xiphera's partner network

We define our partnerships in technology partners and sales network partners.

We are proud partners with leading global as well as innovative growing FPGA companies. With our technology partners, we offer a selection of our Intellectual Property (IP) cores on our partners’ FPGA portfolios, and introduce joint solutions combining our own knowledge on hardware-based cryptographic security solutions with our partners’ expertise. Our technology partners leverage our security expertise and cryptographic IP cores in complementing their technical offering to our shared customers.

All of our technology partners are listed below. For the main technology partners, you’ll find partner-specific technical information of our IP cores.

Xiphera’s sales partner network enables the global reach of our offering. Visit our Sales network page to learn more.

Technology partners

Lattice Semiconductor

Microchip Technology


Missing Link Electronics

Missing Link Electronics


Flex Logix

Sales network partners

Spinnaker Systems

Muspark Technologies

Kaviaz Technology