
Xiphera’s Curve25519 IP cores for public-key exchange and digital signatures are designed for easy integration in a vendor-agnostic design methodology.

About the product

Xiphera offers two Curve25519 IP cores for public-key exchange and digital signatures. Both the cores are designed for easy integration with FPGA- and ASIC-based designs in a vendor-agnostic design methodology, and the functionality does not rely on any FPGA manufacturer-specific features.

  1. Curve25519 Key Exchange IP core, compact variant (XIP4001C): a very compact Intellectual Property (IP) core designed for efficient key exchange using the X25519 protocol.
  2. Curve25519 Key Exchange and Digital Signature IP core, compact variant (XIP4003C): a very compact IP core designed for efficient X25519 key exchange and Ed25519-based Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA).

Key features

  1. Constant Latency: The execution time of both our Curve25519 IP Cores is independent of the key value, and consequently provides protection against timing-based side-channel attacks.
  2. Performance: Despite their small size, both our Curve25519 IP Cores can support more than 100 key exchange or digital signature operations per second.
  3. Standard Compliance:
    • Compact Curve25519 Key Exchange IP core (XIP4001C) is compliant with RFC7748, and can be used as a part of many public-key protocols including IKEv2 (RFC 8031) and TLS 1.3 (RFC 8446).
    • Compact Curve25519 Key Exchange and Digital Signature IP core (XIP4003C) is compliant with RFC7748, RFC8032, and the draft vesion of FIPS 186-5. XIP4003C can be used as a part of many public-key protocols including IKEv2 (RFC 8031) and TLS 1.3 (RFC 8446).
Internal high-level block diagram of the compact Curve25519 Key Exchange and Digital Signature IP core (XIP4003C).
Internal high-level block diagram of the compact Curve25519 Key Exchange and Digital Signature IP core.

For more details, including FPGA resources & peak performance as well as ordering instructions, open the full product briefs in PDF. Contact us here, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Partner collaborations

We are proud partners with leading global as well as innovative growing FPGA companies. We offer a selection of our cryptographic IP cores for our technology partners. Visit our partner pages to learn more about our Curve25519 offering for our partners.