Kryptografian MOOC-kurssi avautuu ensi syksyllä

Johdatus kryptografiaan -kurssi sukeltaa kryptografian maailmaan.

Tietoturva-ala on valtavassa murroksessa, ja suuri kysyntä vaatii tulevaisuuden osaajia ja asiantuntijoita. Xipheran ja yhteistyökumppanien syksyllä käynnistyvässä Kryptografian perusteet -kurssissa sukelletaan kryptografian ja siinä käytetyn matematiikan maailmaan.

What have we learned from the online events?

Xiphera has taken part in multiple online event during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The current global situation has forced us to stop and change our habits. This can also be seen in industry events and conferences. Now it’s our time to reflect on what we have learned from them so far.

Introducing Selmar Meijer – Xiphera’s Sales Manager

Selmar Meijer is Xiphera's Sales Manager for Northwest European markets.

Xiphera has appointed Selmar Meijer as the Sales Manager for the Northwest European markets. He emphasises the urge for comprehensive security and shares Xiphera’s mission of uncompromised security in every critical application.

Spreading cryptographic knowledge

Petri Jehkonen is Xiphera's Director of Startegic Programs.

Xiphera will take an initiative to share cryptographic knowledge by offering courses and training. Project Manager Petri Jehkonen tells his story and what his role is in this exciting new project.

Taking Xiphera to the skies

Valtteri Allekotte is Xiphera's developer

Valtteri Marttila, one of Xiphera’s Developers, tells with his own words how he ended up at Xiphera, and what’s the best thing about his work.

It’s time to move

Aalto Startup Center (ASUC), located next to Aalto University in Espoo, Otaniemi, has been the home base for Xiphera for the past three years.

Xiphera moves to a new office in December, 2020. The new workspace is in the other end of the same building, providing Xiphera to continue enjoying the Aalto University environment in the future.

Xiphera receives its very first patent

Xiphera has been granted the first patent by Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH).

Xiphera has been granted its first patent related to volatile FPGA technology. “This is a remarkable milestone for our company in protecting our core innovations”, says Matti Tommiska, CEO of Xiphera.