Unique solutions to growing cybersecurity market

Xiphera’s Global Business Growth Advisor, Alon Refaeli, is the right person to combine Xiphera’s unique solutions with Israel’s growing cybersecurity industry.

Israel’s market is ideal for companies like Xiphera, and Xiphera’s Global Business Growth Advisor, Alon Refaeli, is the right person to combine Xiphera’s unique solutions with Israel’s growing cybersecurity industry.

No place we’d rather be

Xiphera has strong connections with Aalto University.

Xiphera is celebrating its fourth anniversary this summer. Since the beginning, Aalto University has played an important role for the company, and Xiphera is proud to be a part of the Aalto University’s unique spirit.

Kryptografian MOOC-kurssi avautuu ensi syksyllä

Johdatus kryptografiaan -kurssi sukeltaa kryptografian maailmaan.

Tietoturva-ala on valtavassa murroksessa, ja suuri kysyntä vaatii tulevaisuuden osaajia ja asiantuntijoita. Xipheran ja yhteistyökumppanien syksyllä käynnistyvässä Kryptografian perusteet -kurssissa sukelletaan kryptografian ja siinä käytetyn matematiikan maailmaan.

What have we learned from the online events?

Xiphera has taken part in multiple online event during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The current global situation has forced us to stop and change our habits. This can also be seen in industry events and conferences. Now it’s our time to reflect on what we have learned from them so far.

Introducing Selmar Meijer – Xiphera’s Sales Manager

Selmar Meijer is Xiphera's Sales Manager for Northwest European markets.

Xiphera has appointed Selmar Meijer as the Sales Manager for the Northwest European markets. He emphasises the urge for comprehensive security and shares Xiphera’s mission of uncompromised security in every critical application.