Xiphera and Crypto Quantique Announce Partnership for Quantum-Resilient Hardware Trust Engines 

Combining Crypto Quantique’s PUF technology with Xiphera’s quantum-resilient cryptography provides future-proof hardware trust engines to protect devices and data for decades to come.
Xiphera offers cryptographic IP cores for FPGA and ASIC technologies.

ESPOO, Finland, and LONDON, United Kingdom – Xiphera, a provider of highly-optimised, hardware-based cryptographic security, today announced its partnership with Crypto Quantique, a provider of quantum-driven IoT device security. The combination of Xiphera’s nQrux® Hardware Trust Engines and quantum-secure cryptographic IP, with Crypto Quantique’s QDID PUF (Physically Unclonable Function), offers quantum-resilience and immutable device identity for cryptographic hardware modules.

The QDID PUF generates quantum-derived, secure, unclonable identities based on manufacturing variations unique to each semiconductor chip. The PUF, alongside other cryptographic primitives, forms the essential hardware root-of-trust IP required in security implementations.

nQrux® Hardware Trust Engines offer customisable cryptographic security modules with hardware-level trust and security services for the most critical environments and applications. nQrux IP cores enable full isolation of cryptographic operations and application-specific data into secure hardware elements. Xiphera’s extensive portfolio of cryptographic IP cores includes both traditional cryptographic algorithms, as well as Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) fighting against the looming quantum threat.

“Many industrial and governmental entities recommend implementing quantum-resilient hardware solutions to prevent quantum attacks on current and future data. Cryptographic root-of-trust forms the security foundation of modern hardware infrastructures”, said Kimmo Järvinen, co-founder and CTO of Xiphera. “Upgrading these critical components to quantum-resilient algorithms and integrating Crypto Quantique’s PUF technology enables our customers to protect the identities and core security of their hardware devices into the foreseeable future.”

Crypto Quantique’s CEO, Shahram Mossayebi, said, “The combination of nQrux Hardware Trust Engines and QDID provides the adaptability and upgradeability required for the security of connected devices. QDID creates random numbers on demand, so there is no need to store cryptographic keys in flash memory. This eliminates the danger of side-channel memory attacks revealing the keys. In addition, because PQC algorithms have large cryptographic keys, the PUF technology reduces the size of flash memory needed, reducing both power consumption and saving silicon area.”

Learn more about Xiphera’s nQrux® Hardware Trust Engines, and Crypto Quantique’s QDID IP cores.

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Matti is an electronics professional with a decade-long academic career, followed by 13 years in the international semiconductor industry. Since 2017, he has been the Co-Founder and CEO of Xiphera.

His industry experience includes technical and sales roles at Spansion, Altera, and Intel, giving him deep expertise in the semiconductor market, customer applications, and security challenges.

Matti holds a doctoral degree in electrical engineering from Helsinki University of Technology (2005).
Julius Helander, Xiphera’s Digital Design and Testing Engineer, leverages his academic background by working on side-channel testing and development.
Another year has come to an end, and Xiphera’s team is turning on the Christmas mood and getting ready for the well-deserved holidays. Let’s take a look into what we have done and accomplished this year.