Withstand attacks by quantum computers with xQlave® Post-Quantum Cryptography

Xiphera’s family of quantum-secure cryptographic IP cores offers protection against the imminent quantum threat – without embedded CPU or software components.

Our cryptography products are trusted by over 20 technology companies globally

Xiphera’s xQlave® product family offers quantum-secure cryptography, consisting of secure and efficient implementations of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) – algorithms that are designed to withstand attacks made by quantum computers. The xQlave® product family includes a portfolio of quantum-secure key exchange and digital signatures that are based on the selected PQC algorithms to be standardised by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Currently, our PQC product family offers ML-KEM (Kyber) Key Encapsulation Mechanism IP core and ML-DSA (Dilithium) digital signature IP core. The xQlave® product family covers various IP cores optimised for extremely small resource footprint, maximal performance, or the optimal balance between the two.

Systems designed today must support post-quantum cryptography tomorrow

The rapid development of quantum computing is revolutionising the way we look at security. Future quantum computers will have the ability to solve certain types of computational problems faster than current traditional computing architectures, offering solutions for various optimisation problems. On the other hand, this development also creates a threat to widely used classical cryptographic approaches such as RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), which are based on mathematical problems that can be solved with a powerful enough quantum computer.

Advances in quantum computing drives the development and standardisation of advanced cryptographic algorithms that withstand attacks by quantum computing platforms. These PQC algorithms are implemented on classical, non-quantum computing platforms for higher security level against quantum computer threats. Although quantum computer attacks are still theoretical, it is highly possible, and even likely, that data traffic is being recorded already today for later decryption, when quantum computers are powerful enough. Many private and public parties are therefore recommending the implementation of quantum-secure solutions already now, with many advocating the implementation of hybrid models, where PQC algorithms are used together with classical cryptography, e.g., ECC or RSA. Read more about the benefits and implementation of hybrid models.

NIST is in process of standardising post-quantum cryptographic algorithms for KEM and digital signatures approaches. We at Xiphera actively follow the standardisation process and update our xQlave® offering accordingly, to offer our customers state-of-the-art security and fast-to-market introduction of the latest security standards.

Xiphera’s xQlave® PQC products

ML-KEM (Kyber)

ML-DSA (Dilithium)