Post-Quantum Cryptography Round-Up - Where Are We Now and What’s Next?

Date: 06/09/2022

Quantum computing opens new ways for perceiving computing and security. Although it will potentially offer solutions for difficult computational problems, it also poses a significant threat to data and communications security. The situation drives a development of security solutions against the quantum threat, and Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) is one of these solutions. The standardisation process of PQC took a big leap after National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) recent announcement of four PQC algorithms that will be included in the forthcoming PQC standard.

Mr. Perttu Saarela, Xiphera’s Developer, discusses the current status and future winds of PQC in Xiphera’s upcoming webinar, held on the 6th of September, 2022. He is working with research and development of PQC algorithms and has extensive knowledge and understanding of the topic.

This webinar introduces and reviews the current situation of PQC standardisation process as well as presents a clear summary of the selected standardisation algorithms, that can be complex and difficult to understand if not explained properly. Finally, we will give some guidelines to take into consideration when designing systems that must remain secure against the quantum threat for years to come.

If you feel like enjoying this fascinating topic without watching, you can also listen the full webinar from the media player below. Should you want to save the webinar for later, right-click the media player and download the audio to your device.

About the speaker

Perttu Saarela is a mathematician and a developer at Xiphera. He receives his Master of Science (Tech.) degree from Aalto University by the end of year 2022 and will be pursing Ph.D studies in the field of cryptography in the near future.

Perttu Saarela has a strong theoretical background based in mathematics and computer science. He is currently working on research and developement on PQC algorithms, focusing on side-channel attacks. His knowledge in the field of cryptography and PQC stands out as he already has a first publication and has given a conference presentation (ISIT 2022) even before graduation.