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Matti is an electronics professional with a decade-long academic career, followed by 13 years in the international semiconductor industry. Since 2017, he has been the Co-Founder and CEO of Xiphera.

His industry experience includes technical and sales roles at Spansion, Altera, and Intel, giving him deep expertise in the semiconductor market, customer applications, and security challenges.

Matti holds a doctoral degree in electrical engineering from Helsinki University of Technology (2005).
Julius Helander, Xiphera’s Digital Design and Testing Engineer, leverages his academic background by working on side-channel testing and development.
Another year has come to an end, and Xiphera’s team is turning on the Christmas mood and getting ready for the well-deserved holidays. Let’s take a look into what we have done and accomplished this year.
Xiphera’s board of five includes company’s co-founders and three other people from different backgrounds. The new board is filled with new kind of expertise, and the versatile background of the board members benefits the whole company.
Combining Crypto Quantique’s PUF technology with Xiphera’s quantum-resilient cryptography provides future-proof hardware trust engines to protect devices and data for decades to come.
Vuonna 2022 julkaistu Aalto-yliopiston onlinekurssi sukeltaa kryptografian mielenkiintoiseen maailmaan. Kurssi on avoin ja ilmainen sekä opiskelijoille että työelämän konkareille.
A hardware-based secure boot can strengthen the integrity of a computing system during its power-up. How can we implement a secure boot in our devices, and what prerequisites are required?
State-of-the-art cryptographic IP and decades of experience in the Israel semiconductor market offer Israeli chip designers a close partnership and effective path for implementing the latest security technologies.
Quantum-resilient Authenticated Boot and Hardware Root of Trust solutions bring future-proof security to space infrastructures.