Secure platform for cloud-based AI services

Xiphera contributes to international AI-NET-ANTILLAS project enabling secure cloud-based AI computing. The project has received funding from Business Finland.
Xiphera contributes to international AI-NET-ANTILLAS project enabling secure cloud-based AI computing.

Project in a nutshell

AI-NET-ANTILLAS brings together nearly 40 organisations. ANTILLAS is a sub-project of a larger AI-NET project, a 3-year-long project consortium which gathers up to 100 organisations from seven countries, including Finland. The project is part of Eureka Cluster CELTIC-NEXT, an industry-driven initiative involving players from different technological industries and research institutions.

The goal of AI-NET is to accelerate digital transformation with intelligent network automation and autonomous end-to-end network optimization. The activities and outcomes include artificial intelligence (AI) industrial research and proof of concepts, increasing digital sovereignty in cybersecurity and cyber-resilience of cloud-based services such as Internet of Things, or IoT.

Xiphera will perform industrial research on FPGA-based secure and cyber-resilient architectures. These architectures form the basis for hardware-based trusted execution environment (TEE) that can be used with high-performance machine learning algorithms, which are central in cloud-based AI services. Furthermore, Xiphera will develop proof-of-concepts which empower secure, high-performance, and cyber-resilient AI computing in cloud.

“In addition to direct measurable results, the AI-NET-ANTILLAS leverages co-innovation between project members”, explains Petri Jehkonen, Xiphera’s Project Manager who represents Xiphera in the consortium. “Member organisations gain competitiveness and improve their market position.”

Xiphera is proud to be part of such a critical and innovative AI-NET-ANTILLAS. “Xiphera’s cryptographic IP cores and secure architectures will meet the requirements of high-performance cloud-based AI applications, which are necessary for this project,” Jehkonen concludes.

Funding from Business Finland

For the AI-NET-ANTILLAS, Xiphera has received funding from Business Finland, a Finnish public-sector operator helping companies to successfully grow and develop their businesses and offerings. Business Finland fosters collaboration between companies and research groups and aims to enhance Finland as a competitive innovation environment.

Business Finland grants funding for companies and research groups for research, innovation, and R&D activities. For Xiphera, Business Finland is an old friend – Xiphera received Business Finland’s Tempo funding in 2018. Tempo funding is granted for startups and SMEs aiming for international growth and business concept development.

With the help of Business Finland’s funding for the AI-NET-ANTILLAS, Xiphera can develop innovative products and solutions, create strong partnerships, and consolidate the position as a trusted and competitive partner in the ever-changing digital and industrial security environment.

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Matti is an electronics professional with a decade-long academic career, followed by 13 years in the international semiconductor industry. Since 2017, he has been the Co-Founder and CEO of Xiphera.

His industry experience includes technical and sales roles at Spansion, Altera, and Intel, giving him deep expertise in the semiconductor market, customer applications, and security challenges.

Matti holds a doctoral degree in electrical engineering from Helsinki University of Technology (2005).
Julius Helander, Xiphera’s Digital Design and Testing Engineer, leverages his academic background by working on side-channel testing and development.
Another year has come to an end, and Xiphera’s team is turning on the Christmas mood and getting ready for the well-deserved holidays. Let’s take a look into what we have done and accomplished this year.